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Official weigh-in
Sixth Annual Craig Boddington Salmon Fishing Tournament

2015 TOURNAMENT WINNERS. See all the prize winners of our 2015 competition.

Our Sixth Annual Craig Boddington Salmon Fishing Tournament drew a competitive crowd with lively but friendly competition. The fishing was steady and every participant scored catches. Still, there were plenty of world safari prizes to go around.

Relaxing in the lounge
Some of our Craig Boddington Salmon Fishing Tournament contestants
awaiting the rewards ceremony

Don't miss the Seventh Annual Craig Boddington Salmon Fishing Tournament July 29 - August 1, 2016. You can expect more great fishing action and unbeatable chances to win premiere WORLD SAFARI PRIZES.

We look forward to seeing you!

2015 Tournament competitors
Class of 2015 Tournament Competitors

Next > 2015 Tournament Winners